Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad, Bahirji Naik Tomb, Banurgad

You are currently viewing Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad, Bahirji Naik Tomb, Banurgad
Banurgad Fort

Specialty of Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad, Bahirji Naik Tomb

          Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad is located in the Banurgad village of Khanapur taluk, Sangli district, Maharashtra state, India. In Banurgad Fort you will find the tomb of Bahirji Naik who was the chief intelligence agent of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. There is nothing left to see in Banurgad except Bahirji’s tomb. Banurgad was the border of Swarajya in Shivkal. But in the battle attack, the whole fort is ruined. Only the embankment and some remains of the fort are left. The remains of Chor Darwaja are in Banurgad village.

Way to Chor Darwaja Banurgad Fort
Way to Chor Darwaja Banurgad Fort

Who was Bahirji Naik ?

             Bahirji Naik Jadhav was the intelligence chief of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He was so capable and successful in spying that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj trusted him blindly. He was called the Third Eye of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He used to enter the enemy’s camps without caring for his life and used to convey each and every move, strength & weakness of the enemies to Shivaji Maharaj. Bahirji used to wear different disguises like sages, saints, Vasudev, fakirs, dance artists, etc to spy on the enemies. Bahirji Naik was a great warrior of Swarajya. His tomb is in Banurgad. There is no exact data about how exactly he died. But many people believe that he died due to injuries sustained in the attack by the enemies while spying.

Bahirji Naik Tomb, Banurgad
Bahirji Naik Tomb, Banurgad

Images of Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad, Banurgad

Images of Chor Darwaja Banurgad Village

How to reach to the Banurgad Fort (Tomb of Bahirji Naik)

           Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad is located in the Banurgad village of Khanapur taluk, Sangli district, Maharashtra state, India. Follow the below map to reach Banurgad Fort. If you want to see the remains of Chor Darwaja, then visit to Banurgad Village which is 1 KM away from Banurgad fort.

Google Map Link – Google Map/ Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad

Travel Film of Banurgad Fort / Bhupalgad

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