Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam, Maharashtra

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Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam, Maharashtra

Specialty of Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam Maharashtra

              Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam is located in the Chandoli National Park which is located at the junction of 4 districts of Maharashtra state, Sangli, Satara, Kolhapur, and Ratnagiri. If you want to visit the Chandoli dam then you will have to come to the Mandur village of Shirala taluk of Sangli district. From here you will get to the entry gate of Chandoli Dam. This place is at a distance of 98 KM from District Headquarters Sangli and 78 KM from Kolhapur City.

Sunset View of Chandoli Dam
Sunset View of Chandoli Dam

              Chandoli Dam is also called Warana Dam or Vasant Sagar. Chandoli Dam has been built across the Warana River on the exact border of the Sangli and Kolhapur districts. Chandoli Dam is the second largest dam in the Western Ghats after Koyna Dam. The total water-storing capacity of this dam is 34.40 TMC. This is an Earthen Dam. It is built using soil, mud, and rocks.

Wide View of Chandoli Dam
Wide View of Chandoli Dam

                       The Warana River originates near Prachitgad in the Patharpunj Plateau of Satara district. And flowing through the dense forest of Chandoli, it reaches Chandoli Dam. Warana River flows out of Chandoli Dam and meets Krishna River near Haripur near Sangli City. Warana River is the lifeline for irrigation of the Sangli and Kolhapur districts.

Warana River Bridge
Warana River Bridge

Images of Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam Maharashtra

How to Reach Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam Maharashtra

             Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam is located in the Chandoli National Park. First, you visit the Mandur village of Shirala taluk of Sangli district. From here you will get to the entry gate of Chandoli Dam. This place is at a distance of 98 KM from District Headquarters Sangli and 78 KM from Kolhapur City. A lot of buses are there to visit Mandur village from Shirala, Sangli, Kolhapur, and Satara City. Kolhapur is the nearest railway station and airport to Chandoli Dam. Follow the below map to visit the Chandoli Dam / Warana Dam by road.

Google Map Link – Google Map/Chandoli Dam

Travel film of Chandoli Dam

Nearest Tourist Places to Chandoli Dam Maharashtra

01) Warana River Bridge – 0.5 KM
02) Chandoli National Park – 01 KM
03) Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar – 23 KM (Forest Road) & 32 KM ( State High Way)

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