Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve Miraj, Sangli Maharashtra

You are currently viewing Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve Miraj, Sangli Maharashtra
Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve Miraj Sangli Maharashtra

Specilaty of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

             Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve is located near the Bhose village of Miraj taluk in Sangli district, Maharashtra state, India. This is the one and only Trekking and tourist place located near the Sangli-Miraj twin cities. It is a like a Mini Mahabaleshwar for Sanglikars.

Road to Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve
Road to Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve

     In this Dandoba Hills forest reserve, you can see different kinds of Plants, Flowers, Birds, Animals, and Reptiles. This forest reserve is rich in flora and fauna. Dandoba Hills station is a very calm and beautiful place. This is the best place for a One-day family picnic.

Wild Life of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve
Wild Life of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve

      You can do trekking in the Dandoba Hills forest reserve. The road is there to reach the top of the Dandoba hills. But if you love trekking then go for it. Definitely, you enjoy it a lot. Monsoon or Rainy season is the best time to visit Dandoba Hills station. You will see greenery everywhere if you visit here on Rainy days.

Mayashree Mali at Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve
Mayashree Mali at Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve

      On the top of the Dandoba Hills, there is an ancient cave temple of Lord Shiva called Dandoba. Dandoba is also known as Dandanath. This is a small cave temple. There is a big Shivling in this ancient cave. Besides that, you will find the idols of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Durga Maata there. There is also a Nandi and Trishul in front of Shivling. This temple has a circumambulation path in the cave itself. The atmosphere inside the temple is very cool. You will feel the cool effect here even in summer.

Shri Dandoba Temple
Shri Dandoba Temple

      Thousands of tourists visit Dandoba Hills throughout the year. Many devotees also come in the month of Shravan. There is a big mountain next to Dandoba temple and below it there are small caves and inside them there are small temples. The Dandoba temple does not have a Shikhara (Temple’s Peak). Its peak is on top of the mountain. From there you can get a beautiful view of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve. We haven’t got the information about who, when, why and how built this big peak on top of this mountain. But from the top of this peak, you will see the great view of Dandoba Hills.

Historical Watch Tower & Peak of Dandoba Temple
Historical Watch Tower & Peak of Dandoba Temple

Images of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

How to Reach the Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

            Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve is located near the Bhose village of Miraj taluk in Sangli district, Maharashtra state, India. Dandoba Hills is situated next to Miraj-Pandharpur National Highway (NH166). It is located at a distance of 37 KM from Sangli City and 32 KM from Miraj City. There is a good road to reach till the top of the Dandoba Hills station. You can bring your bikes and cars without any worry. There are two ways to reach here. One is by Road via Bhose Village and the other is by Trekking via Siddhewadi Village. If you want to reach Dandoba Hills by road then follow the Google map given below.

Google Map Link – Google Map/Dandoba Hills

Travel Guide Map of Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

Travel Guide Map of Dandoba Hills Station & Temple

Travel Film of the Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

Nearest Tourist Places to Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

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2) Will be Updated Soon

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Travel News on the Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve, Bhose

Travel Vlog on Dandoba Hills Forest Reserve

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