Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar, Shirala, Sangli, Maharashtra

You are currently viewing Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar, Shirala, Sangli, Maharashtra
Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

Specialty of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar, Maharashtra

              The Gude-Panchgani Pathar is located in Shirala taluk of Sangli district of Maharashtra state, India. Gudhe and Panchgani are two different villages. Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar is situated between these two villages near a small Village Sawantwadi. This is an amazing plateau of the Mahadev Mountain Range. This Gude-Panchgani Pathar is also called the Gudhe-Panchgani Plateau. This beautiful plateau is 93 km away from the district headquarters Sangli.

Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar, Shirala, Sangli Tourism

          In the Gude-Panchgani Pathar, You will not find any big particular place to see. Visiting here is like an adventurous mountain journey. Wherever you look, you will see a huge plateau everywhere. A big empty green plateau and big windmills are the major attractions here. There are so many windmills on this plateau. You can also call it the plateau of windmills. Gudhe-Panchgani is the Plateau of Windmills.

Gudhe-Panchgani is the Plateau of Windmills

            Sometimes the journey is more beautiful than the destination. If you want to enjoy such a lovely journey as well as see an amazing place, then you have to come to Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar. You will not find such a beautiful location easily anywhere else in Sangli. You will enjoy driving on these beautiful mountain roads and at the same time you will feel a little scared. Because there are no straight roads here. There are Zig-Zag roads. Mountain roads are like this only. Like the game of Snakes and Ladders. Driving in Zig-Zag Roads is also an amazing experience. It gives a thrill.

Zig-Zag Roads in Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

         Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar starts from a small beautiful village called Sawantwadi. This is not Sawantwadi of Konkan, this is Sawantwadi of Shirala. Here you see big windmills on big mountains. Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar starts from here. Near this village, You will find one viewpoint of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar. From here you can see a complete view of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar. Usually, we call flatlands at high altitudes a plateau. These plateaus are at a higher level than the surrounding places and their peak is quite huge and flat. And there are many slopes and ups & downs on the sides.

Drone View of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

           The rainy season is the best time to visit Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar. Four days before we visited here, there was a short circuit due to a windmill falling here. And due to this, the whole plateau caught fire. That is why now you can see this plateau black. All the green grass here has been burnt to ashes. Even the trees in the forest have caught fire. If you want to come here then come in the rainy season. You will get to see the great beauty of nature.

Ground View of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

        After seeing this location and the houses here, you will feel the Konkan touch. Nature lovers of Sangli call this Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar by different pet names. Such as Manali of Sangli, Mini-Mahabaleshwar, Switzerland of Sangli, etc.

Side View of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

Images of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar, Maharashtra

How to Reach the Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

               The Gude-Panchgani Pathar is located in Shirala taluk of Sangli district of Maharashtra state, India. Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar is located between the two villages Gudhe and Panchgani near a small village called Sawantwadi. This place is 93 km away from the district headquarters Sangli. Kolhapur is the nearest Airport to this place. Shirala is the nearest bus station to this place. Follow the below map to reach the Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar by road.

Google Map Link – Google Map/Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

Travel Film Of Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

Nearest Tourist Places to the Gudhe-Panchgani Pathar

01) Chandoli National Park (23 KM)
02) Chandoli Dam (22 KM)
03) Warana River Bridge (22.5 KM)

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