Jath Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

You are currently viewing Jath Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

Specialty of Shri Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

                Shri Yallamma Devi temple is located in the Jath city of Sangli district of Maharashtra state, India. This temple was built by the Dafale kings who were the Jagirs of Jath state before Independence. They were the devotees of Saundatti Renuka Yallamma Devi of Karnataka. Devotees believe that Shri Renuka Yallamma Devi of Saundatti has stayed here. That’s why devotees who believe in Saundatti and Kokatnur Yallamma also visit Jath Yallamma Devi temple. Yallamma Devi is called by the names Renuka Mata, Yallavva, etc. This temple is surrounded by big banyan trees. Even though the temple is small. But lakhs of people come here every year from states like Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. Every year a big fair is held on the full moon day of Margashirsha Month.

Images of Jath Yallamma Devi Temple

How to reach Jath Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

             Shri Yallamma Devi temple is located in the Jath city of Sangli district of Maharashtra state, India. This temple is just 1 KM away from Jath city. Jath city has good road connectivity with the surrounding cities and districts. Follow the below map to reach Jath Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath.

Google Map Link – Google Map/Shri Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

Travel Film of Jath Yallamma Devi Temple, Jath

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